Thursday, September 16, 2010


So I went to the dentist today, NOT FUN! I have to go back next week for cavity on the right side, last molar. I swear no matter how much I floss, brush, and rinse, I seem to always get a cavity. Dentist says I have weak enamel. I'm wondering about more crowns (I have one) or even dentures. Oh, I can't believe I said that. Reminds me of a scary man that use to stick his dentures out at us as kids and flap them to get us to move along past his sidewalk. This was on the way to the park playground from the babysitters. Mind we started going to the other side of the road to not deal with him. Which meant crossing it 2 times. Well, I'm almost not numb and should go get some lunch and then work on some swap pages. Have fun and enjoy life! Ginger